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Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

Benefits of Kelor For Skin and Beauty

Benefits of Kelor
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My friend has heard the proverb that says that "the world is not as wide as the leaves of the kelor"?, it is because the leaf has a small size, but make no mistake, flipped his small size, kelor leaves have a million benefits and usefulness which is very useful for body health. Because of its content, so that scientists refer to it as a magical tree, or "Miracle Tree", see also benefits of basil leaves.

Kelor leaves benefits

Kelor also known as Moringa oleifera plant of its type and is the tribe of Moringa. The leaves are oval-shaped, round and small size are neatly arranged on a stalk, is usually cooked as a vegetable for the treatment and maintaining health, and it also has a high trunk around 7 to 11 metres, has white flowers with yellowish smell smell smell with aromas, as well as having fruit with his usual elongated triangular shape called kelentang and usually can also be cooked as a vegetable.

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The world is not as wide as kelor leaves

Research on the benefits of leaf kelor starts from the leaves, and bark, fruits and seeds, have been started since 1980, States that the tradition of its inhabitants plant trees kelor is somalia, etiopoa, sudan, kelor tree because it is a part of everyday life as vegetables and serves to maintain health, and also the results of this plant in the traded.

Other uses of the kelor i.e. leaves to keep the soil from the landslides, rain water can be hold by the root system of plants very kelor meetings, this has been used in the area of Konso and also Arba Minch, also used as a soil conservation, terracing. and when the dry season comes, the roots of the trees surrounding the kelor store water will become a source of water for other crops. Read also the benefits of soursop leaves.

Kelor Leaves Benefits

The World Health Organization WHO advocate for children and babies who are still in growth period to consume these leaves benefits because kelor is very good, because it contains:

  1. Note that contains potassium tripled from on bananas.
  2. It also contains four times more Calcium than milk.
  3. And also in the know have Seven times the Vitamin C than oranges.
  4. Contains Vitamin A is four times more than in carrots.
  5. It also has twice the protein than milk.

This is the organization that crowned kelor tree as the miracle tree after doing some research and find out the benefits of the kelor is meritorious leaves as a health carer can be had at bargain prices for 40 years on the poorest countries in the world. the following Properties and leaf kelor. 

to overcome the allergies
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to overcome the allergies, take three handles and Braised fennel pulasari, to taste, plus one shallot, and added as many as three glasses of water, boil until the water is boiling and the rest of the roughly two glasses, then filtered and drinking every day on a regular basis.

Herpes, ringworm and sores festering

grab handles kelor leaves seven and then mash until smooth then put on the problematic part, benefits of betel leaf.

Sore eyes

grab three handles and then mashed in until smooth and add one glass of water, stir until it's evenly, then let stand until the water settles the mashed content to be used for eye drops.

Kelor leaves benefits for rheumatism, sore pain, rheumatic pain

take the two handles and whiting as much as a half a tablespoon of mashed until smooth then, after rubbing on delicate parts of the body that hurts as param.

TO remove Face Black Spot
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Remove face spots

take a couple of young leaves, mashed up very finely and then used to powder or it could be in the mix with powder.

Hopefully the article about the Efficacy And benefits of the Kelor Leaves For beneficial health, see you ...

Senin, 19 Desember 2016

Benefits of Mansturbate for Healthy Life

Benefits of Mansturbate
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Masturbation by the medical world is referred to as normal during the activity carried out in a reasonable limit. In some studies, even masturbation has health benefits for the body and mind. But in public, masturbate too often gets the negative stigma and always connected as the deeds of the devil. In some Scriptures this self service activity even got the verdict unlawful and should not be done.

A lot of research done and generally indicated that the activity of masturbation or masturbation is a sexual activity that is common men and women. One of the results of the research are even noted there are at least 94% of men and 89% of women to ever conduct masturbation, at least once in their lives.

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What Is Masturbation?

Masturbation is often called non penetrating vaginal sexual activity that is performed manually or using sex tools with the aim of reaching an orgasm. So one of the benefits of masturbation is to help give sexual pleasure instantly.

Masturbation done by blending mental stimulation (such as erotic fantasies) and physical stimulation (stimulates the penis directly by hand) until it finally reached the climax. During the process of masturbation is done, there is no sexual intercourse penetration of the penis into the vagina.

Myths About Masturbation

Masturbation is often wrongly perceived by the community. First masturbation is considered a sin and those who do will get a curse or a disaster. Today such views shifted and become a myth in society.

Some myths that we often hear about the dangers of masturbation such as will cause blindness, stunted body growth, cause insanity, a decrease in bodily functions, sexual deviation is considered, reduced sexual function and cause disruption neurotic.

The myth of the most powerful and lasting until now is the mention that women do not masturbate. In fact, though not as much as many men as well as women who do the activity onani alone as well as using sex AIDS.

Of many surveys is even aware that those women who regularly have orgasms known to have higher confidence than women who have never done it. One of benefits of masturbation for women is to release tension and make the body more relaxed.

Benefits Of Masturbation For Health
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Benefits Of Masturbation For Health

In terms of health activity sex satisfy yourself by masturbating turns out to have some benefits, such as helping to reduce the risk of developing cancer of the prostate in old age and can reduce menstrual cramps in women.

Its complete, here are some of the health benefits of masturbation to know:
1. Reduce stress
2. increase self esteem
3. Relaxation of the muscles
4. Help someone to sleep
5. increase hormone release endorphins (endorphins) of the nervous system that is useful to evoke the feeling of happy, happy and comfortable
6. female Masturbation reduce menstrual cramps
7. Ease Some symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
8. Relieve depression
9. Improving the flow of blood in the human body
10. Prevent the development of prostate cancer in men
11. an effective natural remedies cure insomnia
12. The benefits of masturbation as a cardiovascular workout, but it has not been scientifically proven.
13. Burn calories during the session of masturbation
14. Lower blood pressure and reduce the headache and muscle pain
15. Masturbation can also be seen as a sexual technique that protects individuals from the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy
16. Masturbation causes the release of sexual tension. Masturbation allows one to express their sexuality in a variety of situations, for example, if they do not have a partner making love or if they want to (or should) abstain from sex for any reason
17. Masturbation is a popular treatment of sexual dysfunction. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation can make masturbation as exercise to control ejaculation

You need to know is just like any activity which if done too often to cause addiction effects would certainly be bad for the body. Neither with masturbation, some researchers mention excessive masturbation cause premature ejaculation and other sexual function disorders cause.

Because it needs to also note a few tips and how to perform the correct and healthy masturbation so that risks that may occur can be avoided. The danger of doing masturbation in women if not done with care is can damage the hymen or virginity layer on the outside of the vagina.

How Often Is The Masturbation Is Normally Done
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How Often Is The Masturbation Is Normally Done

Normal frequency masturbate is a topic talked about researchers. Normally masturbating and masturbation can be done several times per day, week or month up to never masturbate at all.

A study been done to know how many times a normal masturbation kah do? The result is 2-3 times a week or 12 times a month. More than that may have included the category to the obsessive level of addiction.

The doctors agreed to mention that masturbating repeatedly is not problematic for health unless it is associated with obsessive compulsive disorder, where someone has the desire to do it again and again, and ignore his social life.

Too often do masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction due to psychological factors. Your sign most masturbation is when penis erection can't aloud when will the actual sex.

Having regard to all the negative and positive effects of doing masturbation then it can be inferred if masturbation is a normal sexual activity and have health benefits for the body and mind for not done excessively.

So some of the benefits of masturbation for health that need to be known. Do this activity only as a distraction and is not a substitute for normal sexual activity.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

Well, here are Benefits of Sleeping Without Bra

Benefits of Sleeping Without Bra

Sleep is the body literal activity that must be done every day because it helps various organs in order to get back in shape after a long day. After a day of activity, rest his body of work of various organs of the body that took a hard day. Not maybe someone can keep working without a break, because we need the current recovery of the body becomes fresh again is sleeping. Benefits of sleep outline is for the recovery of the body and a variety of other health conditions.

Sleep can be defined circumstances in which a person is unconscious and can wake by sound stimulation. Sleep is not just a situation that happens sometimes, but as characteristic activities of the activities that are common, but the lack of activity and the level of awareness varies between individuals. So in essence, as is the need to sleep eat that did occur in humans and other living beings.

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Benefits of sleep in General

Helps cells Regeneration

During sleep, cells in the body occurs replacement of cells that have been damaged with new ones. Sleep optimize the work of the cells in the body. Concentration and memory increases - fatigue due to work activity a day can reduce the concentration, and therefore needed to sleep for get a rest. And during sleep growth hormones work. Activity that you do when you are awake before can be maintained by the brain.

Lowering blood pressure

study showed heart disease indications, stroke and even symptoms of diabetes can be avoided with a good night's sleep, for six hours every day in adults.

Lowering stress

People who sleep less, sometimes less control in daily activity. Because the body is still feeling tired that accumulate from previous activities.

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Well, here are Benefits of Sleeping Without Bra
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Sleep Without Bra

Benefits of sleep without a bra is very real for health, there are even some studies that link the use of bra during sleep with breast cancer. Here are some benefits:

Increase blood circulation to the breast.

Avoid skin irritation, some tight bra can cause irritation to your skin. Avoid potential causes of breast cancer, research is still being conducted and is still being debated. Clear the blood circulation to the breast will be disturbed when you are wearing a tight bra is believed to be one of the causes of breast cancer.

Avoid sweating during sleep

wearing a bra while sleeping will cause you to sweat especially those who have a rubber material, and quite tight.

Benefits of sleep without a bra is still a debate in the medical world, particularly in connection with cancer. But it is good to wear a bra when sleeping wisely so as not to risk mentioned above.

Tips Wearing Bra while Sleep

If you are forced to use a bra while sleeping, it helps you listen to these helpful tips.
  • Use a loose bra
  • Use the bra with cool material
  • Open links bra during sleep

3 Tips formed the basis for you to guide the use of a bra during sleep, but it's good if there are no obstacles you remove the bra while sleeping. In addition to sleep without a bra, indirectly sleeping was also beneficial for the skin to look beautiful glow.

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Sleep Benefits For Beautiful Skin

Sleep is also very good for skin health. Here are some benefits:

Beautify Skin

Beautiful skin can occur for optimal skin cell regeneration. How is it possible if you often sleep late? whereas the process of skin regeneration, optimum when you sleep. Get used to sleep enough each night before 10 and your skin breathe.

Improve Skin Elasticity

Benefits of sleep makes the skin resulting in hormone HGH (Human Growth Hormone) which will help the natural elasticity of your skin naturally.
Sleep Benefits For Beautiful Skin
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Prevent Acne

Acne is certainly very disturbing your appearance, because the middle inflamed acne usually plague. Before such a thing happens, start sleeping enough at night. Sleep may help prevent inflammation and insulin resistance, a major cause of acne. Do not forget to wash your face before bed.

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