
Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Oxygen's Benefits for Human Health and Life

Oxygen Benefit for Human - Has no color, has no taste, and has no smell are oxygen characteristic. Oxygen is the most important element in life, comparable with water. Oxygen also included in the class of elements that easily reacts with others elements. Oxygen is in number three in the most abundant gas in the earth after helium and hydrogen. 

Without oxygen there won’t be single lives in this world. Oxygen has many benefits for human, oxygen needed for breath, metabolism, and blood circulation. But, not only that’s advantages of oxygen. Oxygen has many benefits for daily lives for widely.

Here are some benefits of oxygen for lives:

1.    Needed for Breathing

Oxygen is needed for breathing, not only for human, all living thing is need oxygen. Not a single thing can live without oxygen.

2.    Take good care of cells

In human body there are bacteria named aerob that. Even this bacterium is need oxygen. Aerob is good bacterium that has function for digestion. Aerob has responsible to decomposition of waste in guts.
If human is lack of oxygen not only hard for breathing, human digestion will take bad effects too.

3.    Prevent the growth of anaerobic cells

Oxygen also has benefit for prevent anaerob bacteria. This bacterium will lives and breed easier if human lack of oxygen. If anaerob bacteria grow and breed in high volume, human digestions will be disturbed. The waste in human body will pile up and make many diseases

4.    Take good care of skin and prevent premature aging

Skin is very sensitive, even many people willing to spend much money for keep their skin health and skin beauty in the best condition. Include prevent premature aging, premature aging Is more effected by bad air, unhealthy environment, and bad foods. Especially for women, their metabolism is make premature aging relatively faster from man. 

5.    Optimizing Memory

Oxygen circulation in human body is very responsible in brain function. If oxygen that gets in to brain is stable, the brain function will always in the best condition.

6.    Prevent cancer, asthma, and another disease

High oxygen level in human body make diseases cell like cancer can’t grow easily. When the oxygen in human body is in low level make empty space that abandoned by oxygen will filled by cells. And if cells grow uncontrollable will be cancer. But if the empty spaces filled by oxygen, that abnormal cells won’t grow.

Those are the benefits of oxygen for lives. One way to get oxygen is wake up early in the morning. In the morning is when the air in the best condition. Wake up in the morning also has many benefits for human life. here are the articles of Benefit of Wake Up in The Morning

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