
Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

5 Benefits Of Corn Silk For Human Health

5 Benefits Of Corn Silk For Human Health
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5 benefits of corn silk for human health - Corn is plant that very popular from long time ago. Corn also can be alternate to be source of carbohydrate besides rice and wheat. In Central America, South America, and some country in Africa is use corn as staple food.

But many people only know that benefits of corn only can get from the seed and other part of corn is discarded. The truth is other part of corn also has many benefit for human health. In this article I wanna share the benefit of corn silk.

Here are the benefits of corn silk for human health:

1.       Hypertension Drug

Many traditional people utilize corn silk for traditional treatment. Corn silk is used to reduce high blood pressure (hypertension). The way to make corn silk as herb is very easy.

Here are how to make corn silk as herb for Hypertension:

  • Prepare around 5-7 young corn cobs and 1 handful of corn silk (make sure that the corn silk is from young corn and fresh)
  • Boil that young corn cobs and the corn silk with around 110ml water.
  • Drink that herb once a day for a week.
Make sure when produce corn silk herb to decrease high blood pressure doesn’t use too much corn silk. Corn silk will decrease your blood pressure in no time, that is dangerous for your health. Use that procedure perfectly.

2.       Relieve Heatiness

Heatiness is very bad conditions. When get heatiness your daily activities will disturbed. Although now a days there are many product that offer heal heatiness, but this product is made with chemicals. And all people know that all thing that made by chemicals is has bad side effect for human health. So, There is no harm of using corn silk as herbal drug for heatiness.

3.       Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney stones is include as dangerous disease. Many people get this disease. Kidney stones caused by people lack of drinking fresh water. With corn silk we can heal this disease.

Here are the way to make potions with corn silk:
  • Prepare 4 young corns, 1 handful of corn silk, 8 fresh leaves of Keji Beling (Stachytarpheta mutabilis)
  • Boil that ingredients with around 110ml water
  • Drink that water once a day for 14 day (2 weeks)
After kidney stone out from your body (either in granules form or froth) stop the consumption of this potions and continue with another potion that made by Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS (click to view) and Phyllanthus niruri Linn (click to view).

4.       Shed Gallstones

Shed gallstones also can treated by drink corn silk potion. The way to make shed gallstone potion from corn silk also very easy, here are how to make the potion:

  • Prepare around 30gram of corn silk
  • Boil that corn silk with around 100ml water
  • Strain the cooking water through a colander or cheesecloth and let it cool in around 5minutes
  • Strain again before you drink it
  • Consume this silk corn potion once a day

5.       As Diuretic


Sometimes people is get problem when urination. That is caused by the problem in urinary tract. But don’t worry, to heal that problem we can use the potion from corn silk. How to make the potion from corn silk for diuretic:

  • Prepare 30g – 50g corn silk, and ginger rhizome in medium size
  • Boil that ingredients in around 110ml water
  • Wait for a little while till cool, then strain
  • Drink that potion once a day

In order to obtain best result and the best benefits of corn silk, you should choose fresh young corn silk. Which mean corn silk is still encased by the midrib corn. Herbal expert mentioned that corn silk that still encased by midrib is cleaner and full of useful content for human health.

The Amazing Benefit of Stone Breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn)

The Amazing Benefit of Stone Breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn)
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The Amazing Benefit of Stone Breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) - Medicinal Plants  stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) is very rich in various chemical ingredients , among others : phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, niranthin, nirtetrali, nirurin, nirurinetin, norsecurinine, phyllanthenol, phyllnirurin, phylltetrin, quercitrin, quercetin, ricinoleic acid, rutin, salicylic acid methyl ester, garlic acid, ascorbic acid, hinokinin, hydroxy niranthin, isolintetralin, and Isoquercetin.

Other compounds contained in stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) is beta-D-xylopyranoside and beta-sitosteroy. Another newly discovered compounds are seco-4-hidroksilintetralin, seco-isoarisiresinol trimethyl ether, hidroksinirantin, dibenzilbutirolakton, nirfilin, and neolignan.

Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) roots and leaves are very rich of flavonoids. Among others: phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, qeurcetrin, Isoquercetin, astragalin. Oil seeds contain some fatty acids such as ricinoleat acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid.

Because of that, stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) is very useful for human health.

And here are some benefits of stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) for human:


1.    as Antibiotics

Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves can treat wounds and either used as an antibacterial or natural antibiotic. There are several compounds that can kill bacteria in body. This is what makes Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves useful as a natural antibiotic. In addition meniran leaves are also used to kill fungi that cause skin diseases. 

2.    Overcoming Kidney Stones and Gout

Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves able to overcome gout and kidney stones. Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves contain flovanoid substances that play an active role to resolve and heal uric acid kidney stones. K ion that contained in Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves can bind uric acid crystals that can be dissolved in urine. Additionally leaves Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) also be launched discharge of urine.

3.    as immunomodulators

Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves are also useful as immunodulator which works in the body and make the body more active in metabolic system. Thereby increasing immune system and prevent attacks from bacteria and viruses that can strike at any time of the body with ease. So that leaves Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) very good forbody's immune defenses.

 4.    As Anti-Cancer Plant

In addition to acting as immunodulator, leaves Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) also become anticancer herbs that can prevent any cancer cells. Cancer cells capable destroyed by the compounds contained in Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves.

5.    As Anti Diabetes Plant

In Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves have a substance called hypophyllanthin and phyllanthin an active role to reduce sugar amount in blood. Have been demonstrated in many experiments that Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) leaves is an antidiabetic plant.

Side effect of stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn)

There are many benefits that can be obtained from stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) for human health. However, for pregnant woman, the use of stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) is not recommended. That is because stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) has abortion properties. People with acute renal disorders are also prohibited from using stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) as a drug. In addition, the use of stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) in long term can cause erectile dysfunction and renal failure

The Benefit of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS

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The Benefit of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS (kumis kucing) is includes in family of lamicaeae/ labiatae that very easy to find in Indonesia. But the truth is this plant is originally from Africa. Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS has many benefits for human health. This article is share about what disease that can be cured by Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS.

Here are the benefits of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS for human health:

1.    Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS can expedite expenditure of urine

One from many benefits of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS is to expedite expenditure of urin. If people hard to urinate it may caused by urinary infection. The infection of urinary can occur in renal tract and bladder. Urinary infection is caused by bacteria that named escherishia coli, this bacteria is live in feces and intestines of human.

The symtomp of urinary infection is:

  • Feel pain while urinate or after urinate
  • Feel want to urinate but there is no urine come out
  • Urine color is dark Pain in waist
  • If the infection has reach kidney, commonly people will get cold.

How to heal urinary infection with Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS:
  • Prepare 25gr fresh Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS leaves
  • Boil Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS leaves with 2 glass of water
  • Drink that potion in the morning and evening each half of glass

2.    Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS can heal rheumatism

Rheumatism is disease that attack bone joints, muscle, and veining. The treatment for rheumastism is only reduce the pain, get rid of inflammation, and takes good care of joints so keep in good condition. 

Cause of rheumatism is still unknown. But some people said that rheumatism is caused by virus, genetic, and hormone change.

Rheumatism symptom is:
  • Pain in moving parts of human body
  • Muscles be weaken
  • Inflammation and swollen in joints
  • Joint is feel numb
  • Spasms and contraction in muscles
  • There is sound in joints
  • Wobbly joints
  • Changes in shape of body

How to cure Rheumatism with Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS:
  • Prepare 5 leaves of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS and Phyllanthus niruri L(Daun Meniran (click for detail))
  • Boil that leaves with 3 glass of fresh water
  • Drink that potion three times a day
also read about the benefits of jack fruit
 3.    Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS for heal cough

Cough is disease that very common suffered by people. Cough itself is caused by foreign object that entry human body, like dust, allergy, or bacteria.

Many drugs in store that offered can heal cough. The drugs are made by chemicals or herbal extraction. But, if you have Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS plants in your yard you no need to buy that drugs.

Here are how to make cough medicine from Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS:
  • Prepare 15gr – 20gr leaves of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS and a glass of water
  • Wash Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS till clean
  • Boil that Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS leaves with a glass of water
  • Drink a glass three times a day till recover

4.    Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS could cure colds

Colds is a disease that caused due to irregular gas in body. Colds is usually caused by a decreasing of body condition due to fatigue, lack of sleep, bad eating schedule, or extreme change of weather.

Here are how to heal colds with Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS:

  • Prepare 15gr – 20gr leaves of Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS and a glass of water
  • Wash Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS till clean
  • Boil that Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS leaves with a glass of water and keep it till the water is only half left.
  • Drink that potion while warm.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

The Amazing Benefits of Jackfruit for Health

The Amazing Benefits of Jackfruit for Health

5 Amazing Benefits of Jackfruit for Health - Jackfruit is multifunction fruit. Jack fruit can eat directly or be a juice. When jackfruit isn’t fully ripe, jackfruit can be made as vegetable. For size, jackfruit has many variations from small to very big. The smallest size of jackfruit is as big as human head. Same as durian, jackfruit also has unique scent.  Not only the taste of jackfruit that very yummy, consume jackfruit also has many benefit for human health.

Here are 5 Amazing benefits of jackfruit that very good for human health.

1.    Consume 100g of jack fruit will serve 95 calories. Jackfruit has smooth flesh fruit and easy to be digested. With simple sugar like fructose and sucrose. When this jackfruit is eaten, directly your energy will refill and revitalize body in no time. But very recommended not to eat too much because that will make gas on your stomach increase. 

2.    Jackfruit is very rich of food fiber, that’s why jackfruit is a good laxative. Fiber content in jackfruit helps to protect intestinal mucous membrane with binding and eliminate cancer-causing chemicals colon.

3.    Fresh Jackfruit is contained by thimbleful of vitamin A, Flavonoid pigments such as carotenoids B, Xanthine, Lutein, and Cryptoxanthin B. That’s compounds has very important role as antioxidants and optimizing visions. Vitamin A also needed to protects the integrity of mucous membranes and skins. Natural Benefits of Fruits that very rich of Vitamin A, and Carotenoids is found to protects lung and oral cavity from cancer. another articles click here

4.    Jackfruit is source of antioxidants and Vitamin C that provide around 13.7mg or 23% from RDA. Consume food with high content of vitamin C will help body develop resistance against infectious agents and harmful free radicals. Vitamin C also can be antioxidants like the benefits of lemon and the benefits of apple that have ability to fight degeneratives cell that spark cancer.

5.    Rare fruits are rich in vitamin B - complex group. Jackfruit contains a very good amount of vitamin B - 6 (pyridoxine) , niacin , riboflavin , and folic acid .

The Benefits of Banana for Human Health and Human Life

The Benefits of Banana for Human Health and Human Life
image from: naplesfamilyfitness.com2

The Benefits of Banana for Human Health and Human Life - Banana is includes in easy fruit to find. Banana also isn’t expensive fruits (although some kind of banana has very expensive price too). Although banana is a cheap fruit, but banana has many benefit for human health. Some of them can you read in this article “The Benefits of Banana

Here are the Benefits of Banana for Health:

1.    As good Breakfast Menu

According to an expert Australian nutrition, Glenn Cardwell Banana is energy source that need to be considered by all people, from kids to adults. Banana is snack that very suitable to provide energy for all day long.
“If breakfast time is very limited or eat healthy food with kids is hard to do, a banana is prefect ways that healthy and very easy to do. Banana can eat in all day from morning to evening. Banana can provide fuel for refill energy in the body. Banana has high content of sugar, but not has fat in it. So, banana is perfect snack as energy booster.

2.    Energy Source

Like the paragraph above that talk Banana as good Breakfast Menu. With low fat and high sugar banana will keep you in good condition till you can get lunch. For you that have no time from breakfast to lunch banana must be your best friend.

3.    Good For Anemia Patient

FE(iron) content in banana make banana very good for consumed by Anemia Patient. Consume 2 banana in medium size can improve your red blood cells and decrease anemia symptoms.

4.    Increase Brain Health

For students and people with hard work brain consume banana can be the best choice. A research that followed by 200 students show that their study concentration increased since made banana as a breakfast. Potassium content in banana gives stimulus for brain. For baby that starts to eat solid food, banana also be a good choice cause has smooth texture and also gives benefits for baby brain progress.

5.    Good For Liver Disease

Consume banana that combined with honey will gives appetite stimulus for Liver Disease Patient.
Those are the Banana’s benefit, always serves banana in your dining table so, your family can get banana anytime. For another daily fruit that has many benefits for human health click here

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Honey's Benefit for Healthy Life

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Honey's Benefit for Healthy Life - Honey has many advantages for human health. Besides for take good care human health, honey also has many benefits for treat many diseases. Honey is magic liquid and has many benefits for human life. Doesn’t like benefits that get by consume fruits or vegetables, benefit that can from honey doesn’t need consume much honey and very easy to absorb by human body.
Honey also gives benefit for beauty. Many beauty products in this world add honey for their additive or staple. Because of that, in this article I want to share about honey advantages for human health and beauty.

Here they are:

1.    Treat Cough

The study in 2007 from Penn State College of Medicine involves 139 children, found that hone is very effective to treat cough. Dekstrometorfan(DM) content in honey can shooting cough for children and increase their sleep quality.

2.    Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

Cancer and Heart Disease is very dangerous disease. Although they are very dangerous disease honey give benefit to prevent those diseases. Flavonoid compound that contained in honey can help reduce risk for cancer and Heart disease.

3.    Improve Memory

According to research reported by Reuters, 102 women in menopause age should consume 20 gram honey in a day. After 4 months, they who consume honey their short time memory in increase. 

4.    Complete Source of Nutrients

Honey has various vitamins and minerals that needed by human body, include niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
With consume honey it means that we give almost all that body’s needed. Also give significant benefit for health.

5.    Potent Eliminate Injury

In many studies about honey, declare that honey very effective for treat wounds. In a research that done in Norway, therapy using Medihoney (Honey from New Zealand which have special purification) and Norwagian Forest success to kill bacteria in wounds.
In another study, 59 patients that suffered wounds and leg ulcers, and 80% of them is failed to recover with conventional treatment. After treated with unprocessed honey all of them except one case show remarkable improvement with their wounds. The sterile wounds from start is still sterile till recover, while infected wounds and ulcers become sterile within a week after applying honey.

For the treatment of burns and wounds, honey can be applied directly are typically replaced every 24 to 48 hours . When used directly, 15 ml to 30 ml of honey have been smeared every 12 to 48 hours and covered with sterile gauze or a bandage. You can read more about Honey's Benefit in here

Benefits of Wake Up in the Morning

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Benefits of wake up in the morning – wake up in the morning often overlooked by most people in the world. People who choose wake up in the afternoon have many reasons, and one of many reasons is still awake till more than midnight. People who spend more time in night usually still feels tired although have waked up in the afternoon.

When people called wake in the morning?

People called wake in the morning when they wake up around 3.30am – 5.30am. Around that time the air around you will still clear and fresh. And it has many benefits for human health.

Here are some advantages for getting up early:

1.    Get Fresh Body

When you wake up in the morning, the fresh air around you will guide your body to be fresh.

2.    Get Fresh Air

Wake up early have benefit to make you get fresh air that won’t you get in afternoon. And fresh air itself has many benefits too for human health, one of them is good for breathing.

3.    Good for blood circulation

If you breathe the fresh air you can make your blood circulation much smoother. Fresh and clean airs that enter your body make your blood circulation much smoother because Oxygen Benefit can be got much easier. And Oxygen Benefit itself is very needed by blood and human body.

4.    Brain Work to be Maximum

Good blood circulation also has many benefits for human health. Good blood circulations make brain much easier to get oxygen. With get much oxygen brain will work easier and better.

5.    Increase Memory

If brain works in the best condition, information that stored in brain will accessed much easier. Adults that love wake up in the morning will get benefit for brain. They won’t get senile easy not like who doesn’t wake in the morning.

6.    Make Lung Healthier

If respiratory organs be given good quality of oxygen, respiratory organ would be healthy, Include lung. Avery day lung is given bad air from vehicle emission, dust, factory smoke, cigarettes and many more. If you wake up in the morning bad air in your lung will get out and replaced with fresh air.